Monday, June 14, 2010

May 8 - Our last tour

This was an 8+ hour tour of Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast (and Amalfi). Sorrento was a nice little, typical medium sized European town. Was oriented to tourists to some extent but a pleasant little place. The bus tour along the Amalfi Coast was interesting. From a natural beauty point of view the California Coast Highway is better. The Amalfi drive, with the little villages and the town of Amalfi helped out the interest level. Had some lemoncelli, local equivalent of ouza and grappa, strengthwise. But not all that good, just interesting. There was a wedding while we were there - pictures made on the steps to the Cathedral. Was a nice end to our cruise.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

May 7 Trapani, Sicily (Italy)

All of the tours out of Trapani were listed as fairly strenuous (except a visit to the beach) and the one tomorrow was going to be pretty long. So we decided to take it easy on the boat (looking off the balcony and reading in the Explorer Lounge), charge up all the batteries in preparation for tomorrow and eat at the new, Asian style restaurant on the ship.

Thursday, May 6 La Goulette, (Tunis, Tunisia)

We had a pretty good guide here. Didn't get to go to the Bardo Museum because of hills and stairs but had a pretty good tour. The initial greeting off the ship - camels and dancer - sort of indicated that Tunisia was trying to establish themselves as a tourist attraction. And it would rate high, with me at least. The tour director had warned people about the camel rides - "Be sure you pay for getting off as well as getting on and riding." Seems like the locals had a thing going. On our tour we didn't see quite as much of the blue and white buildings as I thought we would. The city hall and memorial appeared very new and clean. As we were getting on our bus to leave I spotted a couple getting off another bus. Small, wrinkled, wizened and dressed to the hilt in beautiful "desert clothes". I would like to have gotten a picture but in retrospect I suspect they were dressed that way for a pay photo op. But it was an interesting place and I wouldn't mind going back - but not with a tour. We also stopped briefly at a Memorial and burying gound for WWII Americans killed over there.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wednesday, May 5 Sea Day

On the way to Tunisia.

Tuesday, May 4 Palma de Mallorca, Spain

A lively resort town, I understand. We drove around the island, pretty pastoral. Drove to a winery up in the mountains - a big bus on a road designed for small cars. Our bus forced one car off the road. Didn't get a lot of pictures. But the wine was pretty good.