Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thursday, May 6 La Goulette, (Tunis, Tunisia)

We had a pretty good guide here. Didn't get to go to the Bardo Museum because of hills and stairs but had a pretty good tour. The initial greeting off the ship - camels and dancer - sort of indicated that Tunisia was trying to establish themselves as a tourist attraction. And it would rate high, with me at least. The tour director had warned people about the camel rides - "Be sure you pay for getting off as well as getting on and riding." Seems like the locals had a thing going. On our tour we didn't see quite as much of the blue and white buildings as I thought we would. The city hall and memorial appeared very new and clean. As we were getting on our bus to leave I spotted a couple getting off another bus. Small, wrinkled, wizened and dressed to the hilt in beautiful "desert clothes". I would like to have gotten a picture but in retrospect I suspect they were dressed that way for a pay photo op. But it was an interesting place and I wouldn't mind going back - but not with a tour. We also stopped briefly at a Memorial and burying gound for WWII Americans killed over there.

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