Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chase's Marriage Trip

October 2010

This was to be a great trip. See our grandson Chase get married, meet our new granddaughter, the bride, see three great grandchildren we had never seen and visit with Janice. See green trees and grass and the trees starting to turn. But was not to be. About an hour outside of Van Horn TX Ted was having problems with his breathing. Could not get saturation level up. Spent the night in Van Horn Hospital. Felt okay the next morning but doctors recommended going back. Problems: Helios had water in sensor tube - should have swapped lines but was too discombobulated to think straight. Didn't have enough composure to use straight from travel tank. Van Horn was higher altitude than we thought and Continental Divide was fairly high. Had driven this route before with no problems but had had a minor setback in lungs earlier in year and had not gotten completely over it. Very poor planning on Ted's part. Made a check list after we got home so we'd be better prepared for future trips. What a disaster!!

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