Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our Darn Computer

I know - it's been a while. The hard drive on our computer crapped out. No more Dell's. We're in Kusadasi, Turkey right now. It's the port for Ephesus (re the Ephesians) but we had already been there, done that so we're staying on the boat. I'm using computers they have on the ship for use by the passengers who don't have their computers-like us now.

We've gone to bed dog tired the last few nights. Lots of hills, rough streets (cobblestone)-we even took a horse and carriage at one spot. Tours are rated I, II and III - the III being the hardest. We have a lot of III's on the second leg of our cruise. We're changeing them to II's-at the most. Peg's leg is still bothering her - the Vatican steps really did a job. And my lungs don't like going up-hill. Holland-Americas Eurodam is not organized as well as our last cruise with HA. A lot of sorta little things, but aggravating.

I don't see any way of putting photos on this computer but maybe I can find out a way. At worst, I'll put some out as a Webshot Album when we get home. So far we are a little dissapointed in the cruise in general. Hopefully it will get better. Except for Peg's knees we're doing okay on the health thing. A little dissapointed in the food - not up to what we expected - especially when we were looking forward to pigging out. As usual the worker bees are very nice -Indonesian. But things just seem to be lacking in organization.

All for now folks.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Sorry about the computer situation. Hope things turn around. You might be able to upload pictures off your camera's card without loading it onto their computer. Hope the views are worth the hikes -especially the IIIs - ouch. Love adn take care - Ted and Ginny