Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, April 23 Katakolon, Greece

Home of the original Olympic games. Now, of course, a series of ruins. Both Peg and I are starting to realize our limitations in terms of what we can enjoy doing in terms of shore excursions. On this excursion we were taken by bus to the site of the old Olympiads. Then we walked downhill to an area where we got tickets to walk farther downhill for a closer look at the ruins. He who walks down hill must ultimately walk uphill. A couple of young entrepenaurs had a horse and buggy handy. Good thinking. Nice young driver welcomed the opportunity to practice his English - which needed practice. Enjoyed the ride - the horse was non-commital - and spoke only Greek.
Almost every shore excursion had a stop at an establishment where you could buy something - food, a souvenier, a trip to the potty. Thank goodness for the latter. This stop had eats and "Zorba" dancing which some of the younger cruise folks participated in.
A laptop on a trip is a great thing to have. IF it's reliable and if it's small and light. Ours wasn't. C'est la vie. The ship's computer system was very, very slow. We did a few blog notes but gave up. While they made a few adjustmets in the cost it was just too much of a pain.
They had a course on board where you could lear how to make the "towel critters". Cute - but we didn't go.

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